A blog about cool people (namely me). and cool stuff. most of which i like.
Published on December 25, 2009 By HiigaranAce In Sins of a Solar Empire

My friend and I just got SOSE, and we've been trying to play against each other via ironclad.  Problem is, when one of us tries to join a game the other hosts, we immediately get kicked and told that our "game data doesn't match.  Check to make sure you and the host have the same version."  We do.

I suspect the problem is on my end, because when I test to check my ability to host, it says my IP isn't visible and to use Alloy...even though I already am using alloy.  Anyone have any idea on what's wrong and how to solve it?

on Dec 25, 2009

can you please tell us the version you are trying to use?  (should be 1.041 or 1.181)

did you try reinstalling?

did you try hosting? (it doesnt matter if alloy is on or off... it will still tell you to use alloy... which everyone should use anyway)

can you join a online game that is not with your friend?


on Dec 25, 2009

"IP is not visible and recommend to use Alloy" is not the problem since thats what happens with me, and many of the other players too.

Did you download and install Impulse, then update the game to the latest patch?

Both of you and your friend should have done this if not yet done.


on Dec 25, 2009


Do either of you have a mod enabled?  Was either of you trying to host a custom map?  Can you both join other people's games?